How to Pray The Rosary
Catholics dedicate October to the Rosary. Including the Feast of the Lady of the Rosary on October 7th. As World War I was raging, on October 13, 1917, Mary appeared to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal . In this apparition Mary identified herself as the Lady of the Rosary. By the way, you do not have to be Catholic to pray the Rosary. Many Christian’s fear praying the Rosary, some even believe it’s a sin. As with all things, you as a Christian should bring your concern about praying the Rosary to God. What is the Rosary? The Rosary is a Catholic prayer practice that combines both vocal and mental prayer . It’s vocal prayer in that we repeat prescribed prayers such as the Our Father and Hail Mary . The mental prayer aspect means we meditate or a better word is imagine ourselves in a gospel scene with Christ. Originally, the Rosary prayer was a way to teach illiterate people about Jesus. There was a time when poverty was ...