Catholic Christmas Customs


Advent means “coming.” Advent is celebrated the four Sundays leading up to Christmas Eve, the four weeks are representative of the four thousand years before Christ was born. Advent, is not as popular or well known as Lent, but it is very similar to Lent in that it is an opportunity for spiritual preparation and growth: Our thoughts are specifically on Jesus, and all the events leading up to His birth! 

A great way to meditate on Jesus during advent is to pray the Rosary and meditate on Jesus’s childhood highlighted in the Joyful Mysteries!

You may be familiar with the Advent wreath containing 4 purple candles and a pink one. All four candles can alternatively be white.

Week 1: Hope

Light one purple candle.
Blessing of an Advent Wreath to be said by mom or dad.

Week 2: Peace

Light two purple candles.

Week 3: Joy

Light 2 purple candles and mom lights the rose candle. 

Put up the Christmas tree, Blessing of a Christmas tree.

Week 4: Love

Dad lights all 4 candles on the Advent wreath.

12 Days of Christmas

All you Christmas lovers will be glad to learn it is more than one day! There really are 12 days of Christmas: December 25th through January 6th, the Epiphany. 

Catholic Symbolism Hidden In “The 12 Days of Christmas.”

January 6th the Epiphany 

The Epiphany, commemorates the visit of the three magi, or wise men to the baby Jesus in which they famously gifted Him: Gold, frankincense and myrrh. Symbolic of Jesus’s royalty, divinity and humanity. The star of Bethlehem, lead the magi to the baby, whom they worshiped and adored (See The Visit of the Magi, Matthew 2:1-12).

A lovely custom for this day, is to chalk your front door and have your home blessed by your priest or husband.

Chalking of the Door: Your husband can write the following with chalk over the front door of your house:

20 * C ✝️ M ✝️ B ✝️ YY 

  • The star signifies the star of Bethlehem;
  • The three crosses signify the trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit;
  • The 20 and YY signify the year so 2023 would be: 20*C✝️M✝️B✝️23 

Home Blessing: “May Christ bless this house,” from the Latin: Christus mansionem benedicat

An alternate interpretation of the C, M, B, is the initials for the three magi: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar.

Feast Days for Advent and Christmas 

In many Catholic countries, this time of year is full of celebrations. Jesus really is the reason for the season! Let us remember Him now. A simple way to pay homage to Jesus is to say an appropriate prayer on each feast day, attend mass, or meditate on the significance of each individual feast day:
If you want to get technical, Christmas lasts all the way to February 2nd, also known as Candle-mas Day. The day commemorating the presentation of the infant Jesus, 40 days after birth, at the temple by Joseph and Mary.




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