Catholic Symbolism Hidden in “The 12 Days of Christmas”
Catholic Symbolism In The 12 Days of Christmas
My True Love: God
Me: Any baptized Catholic
Partridge In A Pear Tree: Jesus on the cross
Pear Tree: Jesus’s Cross
Two Turtle Doves: Mary and Joseph gave two turtle doves when presenting baby Jesus at the temple for the first time. This event is Commemorated by the Candlemas celebration on February 2nd.
Three French Hens: Three Theological Virtues: Faith, hope and charity. Also, the three gifts of the magi: Gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Four Calling Birds: Four Cardinal Virtues: Prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance; four gospels; four major prophets; four mysteries of the Rosary: Joyful, Luminous, Sorrowful and Glorious.
Five Golden Rings: God’s pure and never ending love for us. First five books in the Old Testament.
Six Geese A-laying: Six days of creation in Genesis.
Seven Swans A-swimming: Seven sacraments, seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seventh day of rest in Genesis. Seven is also symbolic of perfection.
Eight Maids A-milking: The eight beatitudes from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount.
Nine Ladies Dancing: The nine choir of angels.
Ten Lords A-leaping: Ten Commandments.
Eleven Pipers Piping: Jesus’s eleven faithful apostles.
Twelve Drummers Drumming: The twelve gifts of the Holy Spirit: Charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self control and chastity.
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