Daily Affirmations for Christian Moms

As Christians, God has called us to spread his Gospel. As moms, the first place we evangelize is our homes, to our children. You can be the first in your family to establish a strong legacy of faith. 

Saying these daily affirmations can help you  stay strong in your conviction of faith. As our society grows increasingly secular and topsy-turvy, treating Christian values as taboo, you will need more strength to live according to God’s will.  Be brave and do not be discouraged, for there is no shame in loving God only glory.

  1. I think, act and live according to what God says about me.
  2. I am a temple of God.
  3. God’s spirit lives in me.
  4. I welcome God’s Holy Sprit.
  5. I am grateful Jesus died on the cross for me.
  6. I am grateful for God’s Love.
  7. I am grateful for God ‘s protection over my children. 
  8. I live for the glory of Jesus Christ. 
  9. I take a stand for Jesus Christ. 
  10. My faith is my connection with God.
  11. I am God’s messenger of Hope.
  12. My job is to teach my children the gospel and spread the word of the LORD.


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