Parenting Book: Your Self Confident Baby by Magda Gerber Takeaways

Today is Magda Gerber’s birthday. She was the best thing that ever happened to babies.  Gerber founded Resources for Infant Educarers, commonly referred to as RIE. Gerber’s insight into child development has  even been sought after by pediatric experts at Stanford University. Gerber taught the revolutionary notion that babies should be treated with respect.

Gerber really knew babies; she worked with institutionalized children for over 40 years. And these children, raised using Gerber’s methods grew up socially competent and thrived! Imagine what Gerber’s respectful parenting can do for your sweet baby.

If you only read one baby book you will be wise to make it Your Self-Confident Baby, by Magda Gerber. 

These takeaways are what stood out to me. However, my takeaways are no substitute for the plethora of detailed useful information concerning infants’ needs from their caretakers or educarers, as Gerber called them.  

10 Takeaways from Your Self Confident Baby By Magda Gerber

1. Respect - Treat babies with RESPECT.

2. Observe more intervene less - According to Gerber, as long as baby isn’t in danger, or hurting someone else, stand back and see how baby works things out.

3. Don’t tickle babies - Tickling can be terrifying and baby has no way of telling you! Most of us don’t like being tickled and infants can’t tell us they don’t like it since laughing is a reflex when tickled. 

4. Let baby know what is going to happen next - Narrate what you are doing and going to do to relieve baby’s anxiety and solicit cooperation. Try narrating every task baby is included in: dressing, diapering, feeding …Let baby know what you are going to do next to give baby a heads up, see the difference it makes. Another plus to this is babies learn language better this way! 

5. Give infants two choices whenever possible - Helps baby develop confidence and not feel helpless. 

6. Expect AGE APPROPRIATE behavior - Don’t  set babies up for failure by expecting behavior far beyond their maturity and capabilities. 

7. More quality time with mom = a less clingy babyThis advice is contrary to the popular belief of parental attention spoiling a child. Give a child 15 minutes of your undivided attention and they will gladly allow you to separate for a while. 

8. Let infant know when you are leaving and coming back - Helps baby understand and get used to you leaving and returning. So Don’t hide and disappear when you leave, as that only exacerbates insecurity and mistrust. 

9. Children need predictable “boring” routines for first two years - According to Gerber, home is the best place for a child under two. Malls are not for children! No need for baby to have a tantrum in public if you chill at home. 

10. Baby proofing you home is the MOST RESPECTFUL OPTION for your baby. There is so much debate on baby proofing. Consider how soul crushing for a baby to constantly hear don’t touch that! Just baby proof your home, so your baby can explore and not constantly have to be corrected or risk a preventable injury (no one can watch baby 100% of the time)! Risks are high and the stakes are high! Gerber also believes children should not have the run of the house! Instead create one baby-safe gated area, where baby can run wild and free: nursery, family room etc.,,


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